PT Tirta Mahakam Resources Tbk

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The company is an organization which in its aim has a goal beyond the description of just earning pro_t. The Company routinely runs various corporate social responsibility programs, which aim to support nation building, contribute to creating and building community welfare and environmental preservation

Through the Social Responsibility activities, the Company is committed to demonstrate as a good company, it can run a more holistic approach, are proud of the Company’s primary business, while minimizing any negative impacts that may occur from the decisions and operations of the Company

Legal Basis

The Company’s CSR activities depart from the Company’s own vision and is also a form of compliance with legal and statutory provisions, which refers to:
1. Law No. 25 of 2007 concerning Investment (Article 15).
2. Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (Articles 66 and 74).
3. Law No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management.
4. Government Regulation No. 47 of 2012 concerning Social and Environmental Responsibilities of Limited Liability Companies.
5. Law No. 13 of 2011 concerning Handling of the Poor (Article 41).

Throughout 2018, the implementation of programs related to the responsibility of the Company are as follows:

Responsibility towards Community

To strengthen the Company existence and maintain the Company reputation as a caring entity, the Company provides a real contribution to society by implementing numerous social activities as follows :

• Paving roads in residential areas in the factory;
• Construction of harbor bridge in Pulau Atas;
• Make improvements to houses of worship such as mosques, community church in the factory environment;
• Provide free education for children kindergarten and early childhood education by building schools;
• Distribute materials household staples;
• Financial support to religious activities on the surrounding communities;
• Help water to residents each day according to the needs of the population in the region around the plant
• Health Assistance;
• The manufacture of irrigation channels in the village Bukuan, Palaran, Samarinda;
• Funds for sports and arts activities;
• Material assistance to residents for events (weddings, celebrations and assistance with chests and tombstones, etc.)
• Basic food assistance to orphanages and foundations that are in dire need.
• The company also cared and played an active role in providing humanitari an assistance to the earthquake that occurred in the competition and occurred in Lombok and the tsunami earthquake in Palu, Sigi and Donggala.

Bantuan berupa sembako ke Panti Asuhan Baitul Hasan

Assistance in the form of groceries to Baitul Hasan Orphanage

Yayasan Joint Addulam Ministry

Foundation Joint Addulam Ministry

Piagam penghargaan yang diterima Perseroan atas partisipasi bantuan kemanusiaan

Charter of awards received by the Company for the participation of humanitarian assistance for natural disasters that occurred in Palu, Sigi & Donggala and Lombok

Bantuan Pembangunan Dermaga Penyeberangan

Support for the construction of the ferry docks

Responsibility towards Environment

The Company’s commitment to environmental sustainability is realized by the application of high standards in the production process-related aspects of the Company contained in the neighborhood, include air, water, land, natural resources, human and linkages between all components. In accordance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP) on the impact of integrated wood industrial activity, the Company especially address the environmental impact of air pollution, liquid and solid wastes in the following manner:

1. Waste Water Management
a) Perform testing of waste water produced each month to an externalaboratory;
b) Results of Production Waste Water Management in IPAL reused for washing machines Glue Spreader;
c) Wastewater from Wet Scrubber Boiler 3 was deposited in a tank while in the area of Boiler 3, then streamed / discharged into drainage channels;
d) Registration of the daily discharge and ef_uent pH Production & Wastewater Sedimentation Wet Scrubber Boiler 3;
e) Recording of temperature deviation boiler cooling waste water (coolant inlet & outlet);

2. Air Pollution Control
a) Dust and sawdust from the production machines captured by Dust Collestor, for subsequent use as fuel for boilers;
b) Control of Boiler stack emissions carried out with the use of Multi Cyclone and Wet Scrubber;
c) Conduct regular maintenance of spray performance Wet Scrubber Boiler and Machinery Dust Collestor through shelters and duct cleaning dust periodically to prevent leakage;
d) To monitor the effectiveness of the combustion boiler as an effort to prevent the occurrence of harmful exhaust emissions due to incomplete combustion;
e) The provision and use of PPE in the form of masks to all employees;

3. Solid Waste Management
a) Powder and waste pieces of wood and veneer sheets used as fuel for boilers. Most powder results sander / Sanding used to replace flour industry in process and raw materials Packing Plywood Putty / Putty;
b) Iron-scrap metal sorting waste sorting place. Iron that can be used is returned to the Workshop while the unusable sent / sold to collectors;
c) The plastic and other solid waste is collected and disposed of in landfills rubbish ;
d) Providing adequate bins in every area of waste resources and give identity to each trash in an attempt publishing separate waste by type;

4. Waste Management B3
a) B3 produced include: sludge glue, used oil, batteries used, cloth rags contaminated, drums of used oil and _uorescent lamps / TL former and packaging of chemicals stored temporarily in TPS B3, duration of storage of the waste B3 is a maximum of 90 days appropriate storage permit B3 owned;
b) Delivery B3 done every 3 months kepihak third (Collectors antransporters licensed) included manifest as a valid proof of waste shipments;
c) Make a statement and balance sheet management through _lling logbook B3

5. Environmental Management of General
a) The collection and sorting of waste at the plant according to its kind Metal, Wood, Paper & Plastic) is separated and stored according to the place of storage or disposal;
b) Inform the environmental management activities to the local communi ty and establish a good relationship & communication;
c) To report environmental management activities regularly every month, quarter, and half to the Environment Agency and the Province of East Kalimantan dan Ministry of Environment and Forestry.